Advanced courses in Earth Healing Network's Global Wicca tradition are available to those who are first degree initiates having completed the first degree training courses in foundation year. These include:
Advanced Spell-crafting and Spellcasting Rituals (12 weeks)
Past Life Trauma, Inner Child Hypnotherapy and Healing Skills (12 weeks)
Vedic Astrology and Astro Therapy Skills (12 weeks)
Advanced Psychic Self Defence and Protection Magick (12 weeks)
These courses attune you to the second Wiccan wheel of the year where you progress to the third degree and final year in Earth Healing Network's Global Wicca Tradition and start your own temple of Global Wicca. The final year course is a one to one mentoring and training program in which your own spiritual temple is established with our support and you recruit and train new initiates of your own under supervision for one year as a Trainee High Priest/ High Priestess of Global Wicca to take further our mission and values to gain the full title and responsibilities of the third degree and to be recommended by us.
Contact me:
[email protected]Other site:
www.earthhealingnetwork.comIf you have any questions or comments, please send them through this form, and I will respond as soon as possible.